Dates for End-of-Semester Examinations

Examination dates for end-of-semester examinations are organised by the lecturers themselfes and entered in eDoz.

  • Examination dates must be within the periods for end-of-semester exams. These are:
    • Autumn Semester: Week 50 + 51 and Week 2 + 3 / Repetition dates during the first two weeks of the following Spring Semester: Week 8 + 9
    • Spring Semester: Week 21 to 24 / Repetition dates during the first two weeks of the following Autumn Semester: Week 38 + 39
  • Please note: You are responsible for the necessary room reservations! There is no automatic room reservation based on your entries in eDoz
  • Students will see the entered dates in myStudies
  • On 英皇娱乐 Online examiations need to be planned and confirmed in advance by LET


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